The Health Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage

hot stone massage rocks

Have you ever had a hot stone massage? A person with tense muscles or if you are suffering from some type of chronic pain, hot stone massage can help you relieve the pain. Learn more about the benefits hot stone massage can have on your muscles and health.

Why Massage Therapy is Right for You!

When you visit your chiropractor, they have a support team of expert professionals who help treat health concerns related to the musculoskeletal system. Massages are just one form of treatment Family Chiropractor Care offers our patients. However, a hot stone massage is a type of massage that can be very beneficial to your health.

Book Your Hot Stone Massage!

What are Hot Stone Massages?

Your therapist will start the massage by heating up basalt rocks in the water. These rocks are the best in locking in and retaining the heat from the water more than other types of stones. This is why our Longview massage therapists will use basalt rocks in a hot stone massage.

The massage therapist heats the basalt rocks at a perfect temperature, so it doesn’t end up burning your skin. Your massage therapist might ask you where you feel pain or tension in different areas of your body. Then, they will put the rocks on parts of your body where you might feel pain or tension. They might also put the stones in other parts of your body where muscles tend to tighten up, palms of your hands, on your feet, spine, and abdomen. These basalt rocks will help loosen the muscles before they give you a full deep tissue massage. By relaxing your muscles even more before the massage, this can be even more beneficial for your health.

Health Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage

Of course, having a professional massage therapist who is trained in the history and the techniques of this type of massage therapy. You don’t want to get burnt or other health problems from an untrained person. This is why Family Chiropractor Care is a great place to get the hot stone massage you might need. They have professional and trained massage therapists who know how to do a hot stone massage the correct way.

Getting a hot stone massage might feel relaxing and calming when you receive one from a professional massage therapist. However, you might not know that getting a hot stone massage isn’t just for relaxation purposes. A hot stone massage benefits your body and can also give you several health benefits. Here are some health benefits people might get from this massage:

  • Decrease stress levels
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Improves your blood circulation
  • Helps with chronic pain from inflammatory health issues
  • Decrease pain that’s from muscle spasms
  • Improvement of strained ligaments
  • Decrease muscle tension
  • Help with arthritis problems
  • A decrease in joint pain

These are some great health benefits that hot stone massages can give you. However, this doesn’t mean that hot stone massages can help every health condition you have. They might not work for everyone with muscle aches or other health issues. Each person is different so you might not be able to tolerate the hot stones on your body. If you live in or around Longview, WA, contact Family Chiropractor Care today for an appointment or ask any questions you might have about hot stone massages.